If I could go...not swole

2004-08-02 @ 8:42 p.m.

Ok...so good things on the frontier it seems. Basically the week during the RNC is gonna be so crazy here in NYC that they are shutting down my offices. They are expecting it to be like New Years Eve in this biznotch since Times Square is designated as the protest area. Who's bright idea that was I really don't know since as is Times Square is difficult to walk thru on a daily basis let alone while TRL is shooting.

Well, I must say I was worried, but now I think I actually have something to feel grateful to the Republicans for.

I had my conversation with one of the Directors here....a 2 hour long one at that. Basically she notes my great performance but sees a great problem in my great displeasure that the Director that it should matter to doesn't recognize it. I told her that that says something that she can notice my job well done but others don't. It's really hard to stay motivated when everyone else seems to take notice except for the ONE person that has the power to give me that promotion. Needless to say that spawned a WHOLE nother conversation. They are willing to offer me something in the Apparel category, which given what I do on the side it would make for an easy transition but i am hesitant to take one step forward in fear of having to take 5 back. We will see...I am meeting with the VP this week...they want to turn my frown upside down...

Ok what this all really boils down to is the fact that my frown almost instantaneously turned upside down when I told the Apparel Director that I was originally intending to take 2 days off that week to go to Vegas for the MAGIC trade show for RebelSoul. As a result of my conversation with her(whose team will be going out to Vegas)and the recent turn of events regarding the RNC they have decided that its in the best interest of everyone to send ME out to Vegas, fully paid, for the whole week, in a room at the New Hotel of Mandalay Bay. Can i tell you I practically jumped for joy when they told me this! And my role while out in Vegas you ask? To Category shop, attend the various trade shows, attend a couple of meetings, a couple of schmoozing parties, note new trends, and to work the lounge that we will have out there a couple hours a day. So basically I went from being BROKE wondering how I was gonna afford my trip to Vegas to having it PAID for AND bouncing to Miami once the show is over. My total cost for my entire week and half out of NYC? $57.50 --> the price for my flight from Miami back to NYC. Not to mention my man will be there too so that means nice nights for me in Vegas.

This shit is so great....anyone wanna join me? Let me know. Got a hotel in Vegas and a house in Miami...the more the merrier!

This is possibly one of the most exciting things to happen this year. I deserve the opportunity to step up from being the step child. I hate to gloat but this is the only thing thats keeping me going each day at work...I gots to make it to Vegas! it's like the Little Engine that Could trying to reach the top of the hill...Veags is my motivation now.

Ok now with that said, I must go back to doing this pile o' crap on my desk to prepare for this ridiculous presentation i am so unprepared for.

Wish me luck....

On a complete side note...I got stung in the eye by a wasp of some sort while rollerblading in Central Park on Saturday. That was not fun and now I'm looking like I've been abused. To the point that New Yorkers don't always get enough credit I had more than enough people come to help me, probably because I looked like a bumbling idiot on wheels but needless to say everyone was very caring and helpful...so what if some tried to kick game in the midst of my agony, they still offered help. Some even offered to beat up the guy that punched me in the face until they found out that the offender was an insect!

My eye swole shut within an hour and I was stuck on wheels all the way up in the Harlem end of the park far from home, but with aid of some fine ass EMT's who I practically RAN into on my blades the swelling went down by Sunday and I'm left with a fair resemblance to a black eye. Fun Times.

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