stopping to smell the flowers

2004-03-02 @ 4:12 p.m.

been a minute since i've written...never meant for the title of my last entry to translate literally but unfortunately it did and I was puking my guts out Vday weekend. terrible.

post food posioning i went to Florida for my man's grandfather's funeral. He just lost his grandmother on the same side in Novemeber, man that was tough. Trying to remain strong for him and his mom as well as for myself (as those types of events have such power to conjure up memories of my father) was hard. On the way back, since I booked my flight on such late notice i had to travel for 12 hours to get back to NYC. It was serious planes, trains, and automobiles.

back at work... its frustrating how mad underappreciated i've been and now i have a serious micromanager on my hands(i am putting serious effort in being respectful and cordial though i have been told that apparently my face is quite telling of my emotion)....even more terrible.

oh well i am trying to acclamate while also trying to put to use this overwhelming motivation that has come over me since my boss left and am updating my resume, made inquiries, received offers, and just plain mulling everything over.

in my frustration yesterday of receiving a record of 25 emails from ms. micromanager in a matter of an hour (mind you she sits right by me) i left for a 2 hour well-deserved, though unaffordable shopping trip downtown.

so many birthdays this month!

anyways i have a smile on my face right now and all in all thats all that really matters.

my man sent me flowers. in the 2 yrs I've been in NYC this is the first time hes sent me'm amazed. They are absolutely gorgeous and came with a simple note, "just because you are so beautiful..."

when i called to thank him and ask him why i got a simple reply "because you deserve them"

and ya know what...i think i do.

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