teen angst

2003-02-06 @ 11:42 a.m.

OK, so perhaps I will write something for real today. I, like, meta truly wish I had this in high school it definitely would have come in handy with all the teen angst that ran through me. My 5 yr. reunion is coming up and i'm somewhat looking forward to revisiting the people i used to try and avoid, the halls that i ran around in in my half ass uniform, and all the other drama that went on in an environment with all teen girls. ugh. the word teen always seened to bother me. and "teenager" was even worse. its just one of those words that never sat well with me saying it or hearing it said.

oh well i'm not quite sure why im on this high school kick. perhaps its because i'm missing how stable and secure things were back then. how taken care of you were. how fun it was to just chiiiiiiiillllll. now you are just left to fend for yourself in this crazy world. my senior yearbook said that i would accomplish much more in the coming years than it seems i have. But, i cant complain i'm in a good place. and i guess i have a ways to go. But, I willl achieve it. I will achieve that moguldom my high school buddy bygeorge and i dreamt so much about. ha! this is so funny that i'm writing in this. Maybe one day if this is still around and accessible I will look back and read this and smile. I promise my entries will get much more in depth and entertaining. I gotta get used to this.

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