3 years new

2005-06-14 @ 12:13 a.m.

It's not like I think about it.... It's not like I put a reminder on my calendar.... But for some reason, my heart just knows.
Today, three years ago, my dad was given a new life, free of physical containment...a new "birth" day as i like to say. And each year on this day at some point, triggered by some random conversation, event, or whatever, I just break down. It's hard. But, I think it's healthy...
This is always a rough time of year for me. But it also causes me to slow down. I've been moving so fast that I haven't had time to catch up with myself and now its just one big mudslide on my shoulders forcing me to remember to remain grounded.
My father was never quick to do much of anything, he kept it slow and thoughtful, witty and analytical, creative and scientific...always. his thing was why the rush?
So here's to you Dad....I'm keeping it slow...just slow enough so that I won't need to run out of breath to try and catch up later.
And I advise everyone to do the same, otherwise you never know what may fly right by you...to quote Jack Johnson, who is currently in heavy rotation on my ipod..."slow down everyone we're moving too fast."


Latin of the day:
uno animo = "with one spirit"

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