Consider this

2004-10-06 @ 10:38 p.m.

Since when did people lose their regard for others? Do people no longer consider others prior or in conjuction with theirs?

Am I alone in thinking of others, considering their feelings? Cause i sure as hell feel like I do. I mean I am astonished that its such a rarity these days.

I've had some great conversations recently with some close friends. Without intiating the conversation they came to me wondering how the hell after some of the shit they and some other people have done to me how i still find it in myself to remain nice. I often find myself asking myself that question.

i find it also rather interesting that this has been a topic of conversation as of late. I don't do the things for others with the expectation of receiving anything in return. I do it because I enjoy it, it's in my nature, but damn if the people you offer and give so much to can't be appreciative.

Like when you do need a shoulder or whatever, why is it such a burden for them to take? If it's so rare, wouldn't you want to acknowledge it?

I try to take time to show my care for those I care for. I try to be gracious. I try to make people feel like they have all of my attention. I pride myself in it.

It feels good when someone makes you feel as though you are the most important at that moment.

I just wonder where all the consideration went. I realize that you should be your number one priority but when did we lose the humility of recognizing that you can not exist alone? What is the joy in that?

When did we become such a self-centric society?

What happened to community?
i'm too tired now to continue my contemplation.....fin.

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