Split ends

2004-08-17 @ 8:07 p.m.

Out of frustration and the need to be self-destructive, I cut my hair off at my desk at work last week. Needless to say I didn't do a very good job. It's terribly uneven. Whatever, i needed to trim my ends.

So then i got word of a hair model call at this new NYC Bumble&Bumble hair salon. Apparently their hair products and stylists kick ass so I said why not.

We went and as nervous as I was because I hate short hair on me and I have what you call "virgin hair" in the sense that I've never done shit to it and we all know stylists love to do new and crazy stuff especially to a so-called hair model, I still was open to anything within reason.

There was a line of like 100 people there, guys and girls with perfectly styled hair and there was me and my girl who clearly don't know how to do shit to our hair. I sat down and got the most fabulous male stylist to evaluate me. My girl A got rejected cause her hair was too curly for what they wanted to do so she sat with me as I got examined.

Ha! Let me preface this with how every single time I have EVER gone to get my hair professionally cut, they always immediately say "you are mixed aren't you?" and i'm always like "oh, you can tell?" and they go "uh yeah clearly cause one side of your hair goes that way and is completely wavy and the other is straight." Then they cut it and proceed to have the most diffiult time blowing it straight. Whatever.

So I expected the same thing when this guy began to play with my hair, but no, instead he goes "wow, your hair is cool, you have quite a cowlick in the front, but very cool, i'm not going to cut that much off at all."

I look at my girl, did he really say that? I was shocked and flattered at the same time. He wants to give me bangs but long ones so we will see how those come out.

So my dire needs for a professional cut got answered although not soon enough as the next available appointment isn't til the end of September...oh well guess I will have to continue to express my day to day work frustrations out on my hair... ;)

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