drop some knowledge

2004-05-25 @ 11:59 a.m.

"...We are contained in each other. Therefore I can accept anyone as myself.

This affirmation is about including other people. Shared experience excludes no one. Even those we label as evil or as wrongdoers are enclosed in the whole drama. The ego plays out one drama at a time, saying, "This is what's happening to me, everything else comes second." But in truth the whole drama is happening to you. Your conscious mind tunes in to one small scene, yet at deeper levels you are participating in everything that goes on - not just my happiness, my sorrow, my triumph, and understanding of humanity. Your next thought adds to the shared experience we will all tap into; the next thoughts of countless people you've never met are adding to your next experience. This is what it means to be contained within each other. Once you see that experience is always shared, you can accept others, however different they appear to be, as yourself."

~The Deeper Wound~

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